Please see our new website at
Current Newsletter for Computer Users' group November, 2021
Upcoming meeting of Windsor Senior Computer PC Users' Group is Monday, November 8. 2021, 1-4pm Inside Windsor Senior Center. Masks must be worn.
We will be meeting inside on November 8th, 2021. . See your next email announcement. We will be meeting at 1:00 pm
Our format is a group effort, and will include but not be limited to discussions from Jim Tubb, Erin Stroud, Andrea Antonik and Ross Guistino. They will choose relevant topics, articles, general updates, or new news each month. The topic for November by Mr. Jim Tubb will be "Aging in Place with Technology."
Erin will provide an update on the status of the Windsor Senior Center. Andrea will share an article or two. And we will have 'Comments from Ross, and general questions and answers . Bring your questions or send them ahead of time to Jim Tubb, We are a PC group, but some software and topics will be appropriate for Mac users as well.
Drop-In Computing Help Monday November 22, 2021 2-4 P.M. (note new time) This has been revised and will be part of email sent to members.
Drop-in Computing Help is returning live to
the Windsor Senior Recreation Center. We will be inside, without reservations,
first come first served. We will be meeting in the Windsor
Senior Recreation Center for our regular November meeting as well.
Be sure to read the email
Email Erin: Erin Stroud or Jim or Andrea for additional information.
For more information on the classes at the Senior Center, contact the Windsor Senior Center (707 838-1250) when they open or go to web site
Past Activities and Past Newsletters for Windsor Senior Computer User's group click here.
Computer Users' Group
Computer Workshops
Drop-In Computer Help
Hands on Computer Workshops
For more details on the above click here - However remember that the Senior Center is currently closed..
"Talk to Your Devices". 10/11/2021, Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer
Consultant. Click to see pdf
"Getting Around Without a Car", 9/13/2021. Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer
Consultant. Click to see pdf
"What is Inside Your Computer", 8/9/2021. Mr.Jim Tubb. Computer
Consultant. Click to see
"Customize Your Windows", 6/14/2021, Mr. Jim Tubb. Computer
Consultant. Click to see
"Managing your email", 5/10/2021, Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer
Consultant. Click to see pdf
"Things You Didn't Know Windows Could Do." 4/12/2021, Mr. Jim
Tubb, Computer Consultant. Click to see pdf
"Browser Basics--Extensions", 4/12/2021, Ms. Andrea Antonik Computer
Consultant. Click to see pdf
"Google Maps on Your Phones - Self running Power Point/" ,
3-8-2021, Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant and WSCUG Bd. Member, Click on this
"Self running Power Point presentation - Google Maps on Phones"
"Google Maps on Your Computer -Power Pt." 2-08-2021,
Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant and WSCUG Bd. Member, Click
on this link: "Self
running PowerPoint presentation"
"Gmail tips and tricks" 1-11-21. Mr. Ross Guistino, Sys.
Computer Consultant, pdf
"Online Learning" 1-11-21 Jim Tubbs presentation. pdf
Handout also pdf
"An update to TeamViewer" 12-1-2020, See
support 12-1-2020.pdf
"The Browser Basics", 11-9-2020, Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant
and WSCUG Bd. Meeting, pdf
"Using the Library during the Pandemic.", 10-12-2020, Ms Vicki Chavez,
Adult Services Librarian, Windsor Regional Library,
Handout, Pdf
"How Do You spot Fake News", 09-14-2020, Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer
Consultant, PowerPt
Pdf Handout, Pdf
form handout.
"Cloud Services Overview: What are they, How and Why to Use
Them", 08-10-2020, Mr. Dan Ryan, Computer Consultant,
WSCUG 08-10-2020 Presentation outline, pdf
handout, Apps on Cell phones. pdf
"How to be a smart news consumer", 08-10-2020, AARP Bulletin,
July/August,2020 pdf
"Free Software" 06-08-2020, Mr. Ross Guistino, Sys. Admin.,
Computer Consultant, pdf
"Free Software" 06-08-2020, Mr. Ross Guistino, Sys. Admin. Computer
Consultant, PowerPt
Zoom Support" 05-11-2020 Windsor Senior Computer
Users. Group, pdf
"TeamViewer Support" 05-11-2020 WSCUG Drop-in Computing Help, pdf
"Corona Virus Resources 03-31-2020", Prepared by Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant, pdf handout
"Genealogy Society Spring Seminar 2020, April 18, 2020". Event announcement, pdf handout
"25 years of Sonic", by Dane Jasper, CEO and Co-Founder of Sonic., pdf handout.
"Privacy Resources Handout". 2-10-2020 Mr, James Tubb, Computer Consultant. pdf handout
"Ultimate Guide to Privacy". 2-10-2020 Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant. pdf handout
"Ultimate Guide to Security". 1-13-2020 Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant. pdf handout
"Security Resources handout". 1-13-20 Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant. pdf handout.
"Navigating Banking Technology: Feeling Secure with Mobile Banking", 12-9-19, Ms Rebecca Miller, Assist. Mgr Windsor Branch, pdf of power point.
"What's New?", 11-18-19, Mr. Michael Banuelos, Senior Tech and Mr.
Bobby Tagnolli, Office Manager Office Depot, pdf
handout of power point.
"The Microsoft Store and What Is In It", 11-18-19, Mr. Jim Tubb,
Computer Consultant, pdf
"My Streaming TV Options - Amazon Firestick and Roku 3", 10-14-19, Mr.
Ross Guistino, Ms. Andrea Antonik, Computer Consultants, pdf
"More about Streaming", 10-14-19, Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant, pdf
"Windows Tips and Tricks, Password Managers", 10-14-19, Mr, James Tubb, Computer Consultant, pdf handout
"Smartphone Tips and Tricks, Video Calls", 10-14-19, Mr. James Tubb and Ms Andrea Antonik, Computer Consultants. pdf handout
"Stopping Spam - Scam Calls" - 8-12-19 Mr. James Tubb, Computer Consultant, pdf handout.
"They're Gonna Miss You When You Are Gone" - 7-8-19 Mr. James Tubb, Computer Consultant, pdf handout.
"Welcome to the Future" with links for videos - 5-13-19 Mr. James Tubb, Computer Consultant, pdf handout
"Creating Address and Return Labels with Word" 5-13-19 Ms Andrea Antonik, Computer Consultant, pdf handout one, pdf handout two, pdf handout three.
"Driverless Cars Will Revolutionize Motoring" 4-8-19 Mr. Hari Dhaliwal, Professor & Owner Drive-Rite Autom. Windsor. Email Donna at for copy of handout
Windows Tips and Tricks: "File Extensions" 4-8-19 Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant, pdf handout.
"Google Photos - Adding, albums Sharing" 12-10-18 Mr. Ross Guistino, Computer Consultant, pdf handout
"Smartphone Tips and Tricks Travel Apps" 10-8-18 Mr. Jim Tubb, Computer Consultant, pdf handout
"Booking all your travel arrangemenets online" 9-10-18 Ms
Erin Stroud, Recreation Program Supervisor, Presentation, pdf
"Internet Glossary, How the Internet Works", 8/13/18 Andrea Antonik, pdf handout.
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